


The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics -Memorial Exhibition of Master Potter Lin Tien-fu 


|展覽日期:2024/4/27 (六) - 6/23 (日)


|展覽地點:台中港區藝術中心 展覽室A(台中市清水區忠貞路21號)

|開幕:2024/4/27 (六) 10:00

|專題講座:2024/4/27 (六) 14:00 3F國際會議廳


- Exhibition Dates: April 27, 2024 (Saturday) 

- June 23, 2024 (Sunday)

- Exhibition Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM (Closed on Mondays)

- Exhibition Venue: Exhibition Room A, Taichung Port District Arts Center (No. 21 Zhongzhen Road, Qingshui District, Taichung City)

- Opening Ceremony: 4/27 10:00 AM

- Special Lecture: 4/27 2:00 PM in the 3rd Floor International Conference Hall






The Memorial Exhibition of Master Potter Lin Tien-fu showcases his ceramic artworks created over 77 years, covering different stages categorized into five themes: Daily Life Ceramics, Three-dimensional Sculptures, The Era of Flower Pots, Artistic Crafts, and wood-fired creations, featuring over 150 selected pieces. 

Lin Tien-fu was born in 1926 and began learning pottery at the age of thirteen under a master from Fuzhou. Renowned as "Master Tien-fu," he dedicated his life to pottery, mastering various techniques from clay collection to shaping, kiln building to firing, sculpting to painting. His expertise included hand-thrown pottery and original sculpting, specializing in creating ceramic tables and chairs, large teapots, cauldrons, and incense burners, all reflecting Taiwan's traditional folk pottery essence.The term 

"硘仔" (pronounced hui-a in Hokkien) refers to ceramics, embodying Taiwan's pottery legacy. Lin Tien-fu, founder of Zhunan Snake Kiln, witnessed Taiwan's ceramic history throughout his life, leaving behind significant contributions to traditional Taiwanese pottery. 

Lin Tien-fu had a naturally optimistic and contented personality, evident in his pottery that exuded a natural, genuine, kind, and beautiful charm. His exceptional aesthetic sense and creative abilities shone through in his three-dimensional modeling, sculpting, and carving, embodying the essence of "The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics" as a poetic reflection of earth and fire, documenting Taiwan's ceramic development and passing down precious pottery craftsmanship through generations. Each piece of his work embodies Taiwan's native ceramic artistry.

In the rapidly changing society of the 1950s, many traditional pottery masters with single skills faced obsolescence. However, Lin Tien-fu not only adapted to the changing times but also diversified his artistic styles, showcasing rich and varied works. His dedication and passion for pottery allowed him to persist in preserving Taiwan's indigenous ceramic culture amidst its decline, creating a resonant "The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics."

He was honored with the Craft Achievement Award in 2016 for his lifelong contributions to Taiwan's ceramic craftsmanship. In 2019, at the age of 94, he received the Presidential Commendation Order, becoming the first recipient in Taiwan's ceramic culture to receive this honor. 

In 2024, commemorating Lin Tien-fu's 99th birthday, the memorial exhibition narrates a chapter of Taiwan's history from the perspective of "硘仔," showcasing the splendorous years of "The Sound of Taiwanese Ceramics" and echoing its legacy into the next century.



2024「 臺灣硘聲-林添福紀念展」即將於4/27(六)台中港區藝術中心開幕,希望能讓更多人認識與欣賞林添福在臺灣陶的文化與藝術內涵。


這次「臺灣硘聲-林添福紀念展」由受過添福師真傳的陶藝家:邱玉錡,手拉坏特製的紀念商品,復刻與縮小林添福的經典作 「福氣瓶」,經竹南蛇窯高溫柴燒1360℃-1380℃之間,天然柴燒落灰,呈現金黃如玉、自然落灰如蜜的高貴質感,每一件都向這位偉大的老陶師林添福致敬,也代表著長長久久、增添福氣的吉祥意象。

售價 NT 6600

早鳥預購價 NT 5200(即日起至2024/4/26展覽前)







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