林瑞華 Jui-Hwa Lin
「竹南蛇窯」第二代 窯主 Second Generation Owner of “Zhunan Snake Kiln”
兩項無形文化資產保存者 Preserver of Two Intangible Cultural Heritages
金氏世界紀錄締造者 Successfully set the Guinness World Record
Jui Hwa Lin is a ceramic artist who began his craft as a traditional potter. Unsophisticated, simplistic, dedicated, and persistent. For 30 years, he unceasingly explored the realm of the unknown in ceramics and pioneered an entirely new artistic territory.The innovative ceramist employs high temperature wood-firing, overturning the definition of beauty as told by classical ceramics, while sublation Japanese wabi-sabi aesthetics and the glaze expression of modern ceramic art.
He uses the earth, wood, and his hands to concentrate on his dialogue with the fire. Though seemingly unpolished, his works are rife with subtle variations. For example, the white jade quality, crystalline patterns, amber and jade colors between 1300℃-1360℃; the warmth of antique jade, the ice crack, golden thread, and leopard skin patterns, and the silver, seashell, and pearl-like shine between 1380℃-1450℃; and the realm above 1500℃yet to be explored by mankind.
And Lin will be the first person down the path toward future ceramics.His works, the Mother Glaze - the art of transformation, will be on display at this year’s ART TAINAN. There, he will offer his interpretation of new artistic concepts of fire and earth, expressing the ultimate in raw clay and the passion of kiln fire.
From Lin’s creations and practices, we can reflect deeply on human culture, we can find a new direction with which mankind creates substances and seek a better life.
2019 無形文化資產:傳統土埆拱窯技術保存者、傳統腳踢轆轤拉坏「抓栓」
2016 創金氏世界紀錄 柴燒窯的最高溫度 1563℃
2012 第五屆「臺灣工藝之家」
2018“Futere Ceramics, Here and Now” Guinness World Record-
Highest Temperature in Wood-fired Kiln專書
2017〔林瑞華創金氏世界紀錄 燒窯的最高溫度〕中、英紀錄短片
《今世的未來陶 林瑞華創金氏世界紀錄 柴燒窯的最高溫度》專書
2003 蓋半倒焰式小型柴窯「如意登窯」/竹南蛇窯
2024瑞士卡魯日第19屆國際陶藝競賽 入選
第九屆臺灣國際金壺獎 陶藝設計競賽展 典藏推薦獎
2019西班牙L’Alcora第39屆國際陶藝競賽 入選
瑞士卡魯日第17屆國際陶藝競賽 入選
2012第四屆臺灣金壺獎 陶藝競賽展 入選
2008第一屆臺灣金壺獎 陶藝競賽展 入選
2007 苗栗陶藝創作競賽第二名
2003 第三屆臺北陶藝獎 陶藝創新獎 入選
2002 苗栗美展 陶藝組 第三名
2001 苗栗美展 陶藝組 第二名
1997 第五屆工藝之夢 臺灣生活用品評選暨展覽 優選
1996 臺中縣美展 入選
2024 流光—植物灰釉特展/鶯歌陶瓷博物館
ART TAICHUNG 台中藝術博覽會/台中日月千禧酒店
ART TAINAN 台南藝術博覽會/台南晶英酒店
2023 第二屆國際臺灣茶碗節–善之流轉/苗北藝文中心
ART SOLO藝之獨秀。亞洲新型態個展型覽會/花博爭豔館
2022 臺灣原色–工藝之美/文化部文化資產局
2020 窯藝生姿–2020桃竹苗柴燒陶藝與茶席聯展/桃園展演中心
2019 第一屆國際臺灣茶碗節/苗北藝文中心
起心動煉–林瑞華三稜罐系列 藝術薪火相傳–第9屆台中市美術館家接力展/葫蘆墩文化中心
2018 苗栗瑰寶–臺灣工藝之家聯展/苗栗工藝園區、三義木雕博物館
2017 硘歸本心–林瑞華&鄧淑慧雙個展/清華大學藝術中心
窯粹 苗栗陶‧臺灣柴燒藝術節/苗栗陶瓷博物館
2016 國際茶碗展/台灣
2015 國際茶碗展/比利時,海米克瑟姆
2014 國際茶碗展/新加坡 亞洲當代藝術展/香港
2013 國際茶碗展/高雄
2010 高溫柴燒之美–壺與碗 個展/竹南蛇窯、國家衛生研究院
2008 日本土與台灣火的對話–林瑞華個展/竹南蛇窯
2005 臺灣地方美術特展/臺北國際藝術博覽會
2003 柴燒之美在苗栗/鶯歌陶瓷博物館
1997 林瑞華柴燒陶藝個展/臺北縣立文化中心現代陶瓷館
2008 日本國滋賀縣信樂「陶藝之森」研修作家
1955 出生於臺中外埔,大甲東
- 2019: Recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage Preserver for Kiln Arch Building Technique with Traditional Raw Bricks and Edge Throwing with Traditional Kick Wheel
- 2016: Guinness World Record for the Highest Temperature in a Wood-Fired Kiln (1563℃)
- 2012: Named the 5th Taiwan Crafts Workshop
Major Contributions:
- 2023:
- Built a cross-draft wood-fired kiln “Venus” in Slovenia
- Created the White Sand Matsu Incense Burner
- Published “Heritage and Legacy – Jui Hwa Lin Ceramic Art”
- 2022:
- Built a combined-atmosphere small wood-fired kiln “Jui Hwa No. 4 Kiln” at Zhunan Snake Kiln
- Produced the documentary short “TLin Jui-Hwa talks about building therammed earth wall around the kiln” in Chinese, English, and Japanese
- Produced the documentary short “Molding adobe bricks” in Chinese, English, and Japanese
- Produced the documentary short “Lin Jui-Hwa talks about the adobe arch kiln” in Chinese, English, and Japanese
- 2019: Built a combined-atmosphere small wood-fired kiln “Jui Hwa No. 1 Kiln” at Zhunan Snake Kiln
- 2018: Published “Future Ceramics, Here and Now – Guinness World Record for Highest Temperature in a Wood-Fired Kiln”
- 2017:
- Produced the documentary short “JLin Jui-Hwa Guiness work record-Highest temperature in wood-fired Kiln” in Chinese and English
- Published “Future Ceramics – Jui Hwa Lin's Guinness World Record for Highest Temperature in a Wood-Fired Kiln”
- 2016: Produced the documentary short “Eco-friendly Wood-Firing” in Chinese and English
- 2014:
- Published “Mother Glaze – The World of High-Temperature Wood-Fired Ceramics”
- Produced the documentary short “The Pioneer of New Ceramic Era” in Chinese and English
- 2012: Built a full downdraft square-shaped small wood-fired kiln “Fang Hwa Kiln” at Zhunan Snake Kiln
- 2011: Co-authored “A New Era of High-Temperature Wood-Fired Ceramics” with Sophia Deng
- 2010: Published “The Beauty of High-Temperature Wood-Fired Ceramics – Teapots and Bowls”
- 2005: Released the instructional DVD “Traditional Ceramic Techniques” (demonstrated with Tian Fu Lin)
- 2003: Built a semi-downdraft small wood-fired kiln “Ru Yi Noborigama” at Zhunan Snake Kiln
- 2000: Built a small Anagama wood-fired kiln at Yingge Ceramics Museum
- 1996: Built a cross-draft small wood-fired kiln “Hua Shi Kiln” at Zhunan Snake Kiln
- 2024:
- Selected, 19th International Ceramics Competition Carouge, Switzerland
- Winner of Collector’s Choice Award at the 9th Taiwan International Gold Teapot Prizes
- 2019: Selected for:
- 39th Concurs International de Ceramica l’Alcora, Spain
- 17th International Ceramics Competition Carouge, Switzerland
- 2012: Selected, 4th Taiwan International Gold Teapot Prizes
- 2008: Selected, 1th Taiwan International Gold Teapot Prizes
Major Exhibitions:
- 2024:
- Currents of Light – A Special Exhibition on Plant Ash Glazes, Yingge Ceramics Museum
- ART TAICHUNG, Millennium Hotel Taichung
- ART TAINAN, Silks Place Tainan
- 2023:
- 2nd International Taiwan Tea Bowl Festival – The Flow of Goodness, Miaobei Art Center
- ART SOLO – The New Individual Exhibition Art Fair in Asia, Taipei Expo Dome
- Heritage and Legacy – Jui Hwa Lin Ceramic Art Exhibition, National Changhua Living Art Center
- 2022:
- The Exhibition of Contemporary Craft by 24 Taiwanese Crafters, Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC
- Solo Exhibition: Future Ceramics, Chung Hua University
- 2019:
- 1st Taiwan Chawan Festival, Miaobei Art Center
- Thoughts of Refinement – 9th Taichung Artists of Art Relay Exhibition, Taichung Municipal City Huludun Cultural Center
- 2017:
- Back to Pottery Heart – A Dual Exhibition with Sophia Deng, National Tsing Hua University
- Solo Exhibition: Future Ceramics, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Hsinchu County Government
- World Ceramic Art & Craft Biennale: Bottles & Boxes, Vichte, Belgium
- Taiwan Wood-Fired Ceramic Art Festival, Miaoli Pottery Museum
Residency: 2008 Artist in Residence, Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan
Birthplace: Waipu District, Taichung, Taiwan (1955)
Selected Exhibits

Formosa Taiwan no.4
柴燒陶瓷 Wood-fired Ceramics
20 x 19 x 38 cm

福氣茶甕 Good Fortune Tea Jar

炎晶礦玉茶碗 Chawan
柴燒陶瓷 Wood-fired Ceramics