2024竹南蛇窯駐村陶藝家 澳洲 Ruby Yeh
Un:learn Re:bloom
開放時間|週一至週日 9:00-17:00(需預約)
地點|竹南蛇窯 特展室
開幕| 2024.12.7(六)14:00
14:00開場熱身-澳洲排舞Nutbush Dance
竹南蛇窯 窯主致詞
陶藝家 Ruby Yeh致詞與作品介紹

Un:learn Re:bloom
這些思想會薰陶你的內在世界。”- 馬可·奧理略 <沉思錄>
Ruby 的駐村陶藝個展「反所學、再綻放」的內心過程以花朵綻放的隱喻來呈現,女性的形態、萌芽小花器、堅固的立方體結構和小岩石等等是她心靈「花園」的具象化,在柔韌與結構、脆弱與穩定之間遊走。花園裡初綻放的花朵反覆出現,象徵花期初始的微妙和不確定,與「反所學」帶來的複雜性。Ruby早期的立方體方盒花器以較封閉的形式呈現,如社會強加給我們的各種框架,而在這次展覽中,立方體有了像花瓣的開口,標誌著心靈上的轉變。Ruby邀請觀眾進入她的內心「花園」,一窺她混合文化身份的衝突——在接受台灣文化的前11年,以及隨後在澳洲長大的24年。
Un:learn Re:bloom
"Your mind (garden) will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought (seeds), for the human spirit is coloured by such impressions."
– Marcus Aurelius, Meditation.
Ruby Yu-Lu Yeh’s wood-fire solo exhibition centres around the process of “unlearning” and “reblooming” through the flower-blooming metaphor. The feminine forms, the budding vases, the rigid cube structures, and the rocks are physical manifestations of her mind’s “garden”, inviting a conversation between flexibility and structure, vulnerability and stability. Floral openings emerge as a recurring motif, symbolising the initial stage of anthesis, subtle and uncertain, mirroring the complexities of unlearning. Ruby’s earlier cube sculpture vases are presented in a more closed-in form, representing the social conditioning imposed upon us, boxing us in. However, in this collection, the cubes have openings resembling petals, marking a shift towards inner transformation. Ruby invites viewers into a shared space of introspection, a glimpse into her mixed-culture identity, and the conflicts stemming from an Eastern upbringing in Taiwan for the first 11 years, followed by 24 years growing up in Australia.
This collection of work was fired in 1400 degrees Celsius anagama-style wood firing in one of the Zhunan Snake Kilns, single-fired without glaze. The wood ash, the flame, and the time required for this process impart finishes that have a life of their own. "Un:learn” and “Re:bloom" reflect the cyclical process of contemplation and reflection, self-awareness and growth. Unlearning is as essential as learning, and blooming requires rest and an open-minded reflection. This residency has allowed Ruby to reflect on the influence of Taiwanese culture on her identity and to learn, unlearn, rest and bloom into new perspectives.